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About the Data

We will never charge you for access to data that's freely available in the public domain. In fact, we just make it a whole lot easier to find and use. We're happy to provide links to the websites where the data originated, many of which have loads of useful background information. Here's just a sample selection of what you'll find on Factivated. Let us know if there's anything else you'd like to see and we'll add it to the list

Eurostat is synonymous with comprehensive, high-quality information providing a range of statistical data about the European Union used by governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public for their work and daily life

Search @eurostat on Factivated

The U.S. Energy Information Administration collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent, impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment

Search @eia on Factivated

The JODI provides a reliable, freely accessible and comprehensive database of energy statistics unlike any other in the world. Through the use of nationally-sanctioned data, which can be difficult if not impossible to access through alternative avenues, JODI offers a fair assessment of global oil consumption and production on a monthly basis

Search @jodi on Factivated

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) statistical database covers the areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, land and water resources and use, climate, environment, population, gender, nutrition, poverty, rural development, education and health as well as many others

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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service's Production, Supply and Distribution (PSD) online database. This database contains current and historical data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the United States and key producing and consuming countries

Search @usda on Factivated

UK Land Registry
Use this search to find average price, sales volumes and property type for a specified location over a defined period of time. Our House Price Index compares average house price today to what it was in January 1995, with the index set then at 100. It includes figures at national, regional, county and Local Authority level

Search @landreg on Factivated

Seeing is Believing. Watch how simple it is to combine data from completely different sources

In this short video you'll discover how you can mix and match information from a variety of sources.

We'll take some global trade export figures and combine them with exchange rates and inflation numbers

Here are a few we made earlier ...

Eurozone Immigration

A hot political topic but what are the facts behind the rhetoric? You might be surprised by some of the figures

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The rising cost of healthy eating?

So it looks like the healthier the option, the higher and faster the cost goes up.

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UK Job Vacancies

Which size of company creates the most employment opportunities? Let's find out

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